S. Erin Batiste is an interdisciplinary poet, storyteller, and author of the chapbook Glory to All Fleeting Things. She has received fellowships and support from numerous organizations including Cave Canem, Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference-Rona Jaffe Foundation, PERIPLUS, and Callaloo. S. Erin is a reader for The Rumpus and her own Pushcart nominated poetry appears in wildness, Verse Daily, and Puerto del Sol among others.
“I am currently at work on my first full length poetry collection, Hoard, which examines the unforeseen failure and aftermath of the ‘1980s and ‘1990s eras of malls and suburbs, consumption, capitalism and factories, the middle class, Americana, and the Black American nuclear family.”
Find S. Erin Batiste at: sbatistewrites.com