Jennifer Koney is an artist activist living and working in Hayward, CA. She has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of Michigan with an emphasis in textile design and fabric printing and a Master of Fine Arts degree from San Francisco State University with an emphasis in sculpture/textile techniques, baseball, and art installation.
Inspired by sea level rise research in which she participated, Jennifer created the 55” – Images of Sea Level Rise series. Using a resist and pour painting process that she developed, she created large-scale standing paintings with the images of glaciers and icebergs — each with a 55” horizon line — that create an environment depicting the anticipated levels of sea level rise for the San Francisco Bay Area. The subject and the process both reflect inundation.
Jennifer used her month-long Prairie Ronde Artist Residency in October 2016 to recalibrate her creative process to reflect a more intuitive approach. While still inspired by nature around her, her paintings and found object sculptures help manifest the invisible. Several of her totem spirit poles and one of her paintings have been donated to the Prairie Ronde Residency collection.
“After the important incubation period offered by the Prairie Ronde Artist in Residency, my artistic expression has continued to deepen in the insight/inspiration approach and I am now focusing on encaustic (hot wax) painting, which I learned shortly after my residency. While it is perhaps of the oldest form of painting (the ancient Etruscans used it for funeral portraiture), I am thrilled and inspired by the new possibilities encaustic painting offers me to express the invisible—- particularly memories, visions, dreams, and hopes – especially for a newly emerging world that is fully sustainable and flourishing for all.”
Find Jennifer at www.jenniferkoney.com